Dance Shoes
Our floor is a gorgeous, professional hardwood sprung floor (it will be kind to your joints and knees). It’s the best in the industry. You will need practice shoes with suede bottoms. No street shoes: rubber soles, or cowboy boots. You can easily find practice shoes on-line, or wear indoor sneakers (clean, please) with over-the-sneaker Dance Socks to protect our floor (available on-line for purchase). www.thedancesocks.com
We are a Constitutionally Compliant Business. We will not infringe upon anyone’s rights or privacy. We do not follow any mandates, orders, or suggestions pertaining to social distancing or mask wearing. You are responsible for your own health and your medical issues are private. We kindly ask you to be aware that everyone wants to stay healthy. Therefore, please do not arrive with a temperature, coughing, or a contagious illness. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask, then do so, but we do not require it.
Our facility is spacious, newly built, clean, and the air quality is exceptional, as we have installed 2 new furnaces that are impeccably maintained. We keep our studio, changing rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and shared areas vacuumed and mopped. All surfaces are cleaned and sanitized. We appreciate if you would follow the usual handwashing protocol and take care of our facility as if it were your own, so everyone can enjoy a beautiful and clean environment to gather and dance.
If you have been sick, please be considerate and stay home until you feel well enough to exercise.
We have parking in the front and back of the building, so if the front lot is full, please swing around to the back and enter through the back entrance. Look for the blue awning and drive all the way to the end of the lot. Wheelchair access and ramps are provided in the front and back of our building.